June 2024 Wrap-Up

June 2024 Wrap-Up

Hey bookworms!

How’s everyone’s summer going? Do you have a favorite book of the summer, or a favorite cold treat to enjoy during this heatwave? In terms of reading, I read a whole lot less than usual. I managed to read 6 books in June, but most were manga and graphic novels. I also just noticed that most of the covers of the books I read are pink. I finally finished Red, White and Royal Blue after putting it down halfway read for around half a year, so I’m proud of that. I even managed to read a nonfiction book! I had hoped to read more in July in order to get through my RITCR signing TBR, but at this rate I highly doubt that’ll happen LOL.

In terms of editing availability, I’m fully booked for the summer. I have one more spot available for September, so check out my Editing Services page for more info about the types of edits I offer.

My Library

Red, White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston


I’m so glad my friend convinced me to read this book because OMFG it is so cute! Also, the steam! Omg I was not expecting this book to be so NSFW. It’s so steamy and heartwarming and you probably can’t read this book in public because you may have the urge to throw the book at a wall and scream because your heart can’t handle the emotions. The Red Room scene was just positively spicy! I thought Alex and Henry were such a perfect couple. I just loved every character in their friend group and surrounding staff. I wasn’t sure I’d be into this book, but OMG I was immediately hooked after the cake incident in the beginning. Now that I’ve finished the book, I can’t wait to go watch the movie. If you’ve seen it, did you like it? Were there any differences or similarities that you enjoyed or hated? Let me know in the comments!


The Marble Queen by Anna Kopp


I didn’t know what to expect from this story but I loved it. This was such an epic queer fantasy romance. The plot was so dramatic and it totally gave off Game of Thrones vibes, especially with the amount of death in the story. The artwork was stunning, and I loved all the details in Salira and Amelia’s outfits. I thought it was fun how you could tell who the villains were because of their scruffy facial hair. Isabel was such a sweetheart. I also definitely had a little crush on Salira. She and Amelia had such a sweet relationship and I love how respectful Salira was of Amelia and how she didn’t force Amelia to do anything she didn’t want to do. I would really recommend this if you love adventures and strong, queer female characters!


Cat Massage Therapy Vol. 1 by Haru Hisakawa


This manga was absolutely adorable. The cover had embossed paw prints too, which added to the cuteness factor. After reading this, I now want to get a massage from a kitty cause it looks so relaxing. This manga was just too precious and all the characters’ reactions to the kitties were relatable as hell. I thought the “I’m a cat person. Ok, you’re hired” bit was funny too. If you’re looking for a quick and relaxing read, I would definitely recommend this! It’s just like a cozy hug.


I Want to be a Wall Vol. 1 by Honami Shirono


This was such a fun manga. I loved the asexual rep and the whole marriage of convenience trope. It was nice to see a discussion around how annoying it is when people are constantly asking when you’re getting married, having kids, etc. Basically how people think life revolves around romance and finding a partner. The main characters had such a pleasant setup and I’m really curious how their relationship will progress throughout the series. I’m excited to read the next volume!


ADHD for Smart Ass Women by Tracy Otsuka


After seeing all these people self-diagnose on TikTok, I started realizing some traits I have make a whole lot more sense. I decided to check this book out to learn more, and I thought it was a really informative read. It was super easy to read and I managed to finish it in 2 days. I like the tips Tracy suggests and I will definitely be trying some of them. I’m interested in reading more books like this, and if you’re curious about ADHD in women, I’d recommend checking this out!


Netgalley eARCs

A Condition Called Love Vol. 1 by Megumi Morino


This was a cute manga, and I loved the main couple. Hananoi-kun was such a thoughtful and adorable boyfriend. He never pressured Hotaru and always remembered the things she likes. Plus, even though he goes overboard in his declarations of love, he’s always happy with her small and simple caring gestures. I’d definitely continue with the manga to see how their relationship progresses. I felt like the side characters didn’t really have too big of a part to play in the story, but I’m sure we’ll see more of them in future volumes.


Other (e)ARCs

I haven’t been reading many of my other ARCs, but I started Clytemnestra from Frenzy Books and I’m obsessed with it. I’m speeding through this book, so if I find time for another reading session soon, then I’ll probably finish it. I’m 80% done the book, and I highly recommend it so far! It is quite the emotional rollercoaster, and the female and maternal rage is strong. I feel like this will be a 5⭐ read for me.


I’m currently still listening to The Poppy War. I didn’t really listen to audiobooks too much this month, but I’m slowly getting back into them for July. I really want to finish this one soon because I have so many other ones to listen to. Except I love the story so much that I’m pretty sure I’m procrastinating just so it won’t end 😅

Anyhoo, that’s a wrap! If you’ve read any of these books, let me know your thoughts in the comments!

Happy reading!

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