July 2024 Wrap-Up

July 2024 Wrap-Up

Hey fellow bookworms!

I can’t believe we only have one month left of summer…or by the time this is posted, around 2 weeks! July was such a busy month for me. I think this is the most I’ve overbooked myself for editing, but I’ve been doing better at staying on top of my deadlines and managing my time with work. I definitely prioritized work and social events over my reading this month though, and you can totally tell with how short my wrap-up is 😂 I also had the pleasure of attending the RITCR signing event, so I got even more books to add to my TBR! You can read all about my experience at the signing here, and you can also check out my RITCR TBR. On to the books I actually read this month, I managed to finish 3. Two comics and one novel. Everything was a 5⭐ read though, so I’d say this month was a success. I have yet to finish an audiobook, but that’s ok 😅

Editing Update: I’ll be on vacation at the end of August and the first week of September. I only have a couple spots left for October, so if you’re interested in getting your manuscript edited, you can check out my Editing Services page for more info on my rate and types of edits I offer. I’ve been on a romance kick lately, so if you’ve got any dark romances, I would be honored to edit it.

My Library

I haven’t been reading in general, so I definitely haven’t finished any books from my personal TBR 😂 I was in more of a fantasy mood, but after RITCR I’m getting into more of a mood for romance reads. I’m looking forward to reading all the books from my RITCR TBR!

Netgalley eARCs

Lavender Clouds by Bex Ollerton


I absolutely loved this comic. I felt extremely called out by it, which has led me to reflect on some of my personality traits that may be a bit more on the neurodivergent side 😅 The parts about burnout, not being able to start tasks, the fluctuation between being super productive and rotting in paralysis, the executive dysfunction, planning and getting all motivated and then accomplishing nothing, and avoiding all notifications really stuck out to me. “I’m just chasing an idealized version of myself that I can’t live up to.” That hit real hard. This was just such a fun and relatable comic book, and I highly recommend it!


A Great Big Visual Hug by Andrés J. Colmenares


I blew through this book in under an hour. The comics are all very short, around 1 page each and mostly consist of pictures, so this was a very quick read. The panels are all so clever and heartwarming and fun. I have a bone to pick with this book though, because I was not expecting to cry while reading this. I expected a hug, but ended up with a mini sob session after reading a 4-panel comic about a dog. I’d still recommend this read because it’s very entertaining, plus it would be a great book to share with your family and friends! I’d honestly flip through this again and again. It would make a great coffee table book and conversation starter!


Other (e)ARCs

From Frenzy Books:

Clytemnestra by Constanza Casati


I’m OBSESSED with this book! The feminine rage, the maternal rage, the drama, the grief, the power. This book was an emotional rollercoaster and you really feel for all the female characters, especially Clytemnestra. There were so many parts that were relatable and parts that still happen in modern society. An example being when a woman is asked if she was scared to travel alone. After reading this, it also occurred to me that nobody ever really asks a man that question. I already knew the Greek myth about the war of Troy, and the sacrifices made to win the war, but it was just so much more emotional in this book. I essentially read this book in 3 sittings because I couldn’t stop reading. If you’re into Greek history or love books about female rage, I would highly recommend reading this!



I’m still listening to The Poppy War by R.F. Kuang, and I think I listened to about 30 minutes of it total this month. Shh, I know I should be done this by now, but I’ve been addicted to music instead. I’m determined to finish this though! It’s too good to just abandon to the void.

As usual, if you’ve read any of these books, let me know your thoughts in the comments below.

Happy reading 😄

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