June 2023 Wrap-Up
What a month! My June was filled with a whirlwind of events, socializing, working, and household stuff. I went to two weddings, climbed a mountain, visited in-laws and had in-laws visit us, and I barely read a thing 😅 This was probably the worst reading month I’ve had all year. I wish I found a bit more time to read because I’ve been reading some great books, but I can’t complain too much because I did have lots of fun this month.
Turbo’s first hike where he didn’t have to be carried the entire way.
I finally climbed Ha Ling! My bf had been wanting to take me for ages, and we finally got a chance to go. We took Turbo too, and this time he did the entire hike without needing to be carried! We were the ones who could barely keep up with him, and he ended up pulling us down the mountain 🤣
Anyhoo, back to reading. I ended up finishing one manga and two audiobooks. I was reading around five physical books in June, but I only finished one. Now that most of the events are over, I’m hoping to prioritize reading more this month, and taking time to grow my editing business. I took a short break for June, but I’m open for more projects this month 😄 So check out my editing page and message me if you need an editor for your manuscript.
My Library
Sweet Lies Layered Like a Mille Feuille by Hiro Eguchi
First of all, that cover is spicyyyyy. I also didn’t realize that this is a standalone. When I was reading it, I thought the characters were moving way too quickly—especially with the sex—but it made sense once I realized there wouldn’t be more time to develop the plot and character development. Overall, I really enjoyed this story and I loved the dynamic of the two MCs. One thing that really stuck out to me was how Akane was the one to reach out after some blackmailing happens. Typically, this trope usually ends in miscommunication and a broken relationship because one character doesn’t tell their partner about the blackmail, but I really liked how this played out. I thought this was a fun fake-relationship story and I wish there were more volumes because I really want more of this couple.
Beware of Chicken 2 by CasualFarmer
This is the best wholesome story you never knew you needed. If you need a light read, seriously, go pick this up. It’s just so precious and the characters are so great. In this volume, I really enjoyed the arcs of Washy’s adventure in becoming a dragon, Noodle the snake, the recording crystal, and the sentience of the sword. Chunky is still an absolute sweetheart and I need more of him. Everything is just so wholesome, even the sexy bits like Meiling and her lingerie. I loved Xiulan’s character growth throughout the story as well. This volume finishes right before the tournament arc, so we know stuff’s definitely about to go down in the next volume.
I Choose Darkness by Jenny Lawson
I found this randomly on Audible and thought it sounded like a fun read because of the Halloween plot. Everybody who knows me knows I live for Halloween and everything spooky. Overall, I did enjoy the story, and I loved Lawson’s writing style, but I didn’t enjoy the editor blurbs as much because they took me out of the story. I wish the book was longer though, because the Halloween stuff is so cool and I love how her house is just spooky. I would recommend this for a fun, quick read if you enjoy humorous memoir-type stories.
That’s a wrap! Have you read any of these? I highly recommend Beware of Chicken if you’re looking for something happy and wholesome. It won’t disappoint! Do you have any fun summer plans to go with your summer reads? Let me know in the comments.
Happy reading 😄