August 2023 Wrap-Up

August 2023 Wrap-Up

Hey bookworms!

How was your summer? Did you visit any cool places or try something new? I went on a road trip around parts of the US with my boyfriend and my doggo, which is why I’m just posting this now 😂 I barely got any reading done in August because of all the travel prep, but I’m happy to say I’ve been reading more this month, so September’s wrap-up is going to be loaded…and also late again haha! Anyhoo, here’s my August wrap-up! I managed to read three books and finish one audiobook.

My Library

Garlic and the Vampire & Garlic and the Witch by Bree Paulsen


This duology was so adorable! It’s such a cozy read, and I really liked the art style. I thought the buildup to the main conflict of the story lasted longer than I expected, which meant the rest of the conflict and resolution felt really rushed. Much of the “what happens after” is shown through a collage of images on a few pages, so you really feel like 95% of the book is buildup, and the rest is the resolution. I enjoyed the story nonetheless, but it was so good I wanted more. I liked how we got more of Witch Agnes’ backstory in the second book, as well. I like how she takes no BS from her little veggie creations 😅 Garlic was absolutely adorable and I loved her relationship with Carrot. I thought the subtle element of queerness in the story was great! And I think the values and themes in these books will be very valuable to kids. Overall, this is such a lovely duology and I highly recommend it if you want a quick, cozy read. On a side note, I was also curious if the seed-counting distraction for the vampire was a reference to Count von Count from Sesame Street.


Netgalley eARCs - N/A at the moment.

Other (e)ARCs

From HCC Frenzy/HCC

The Lake House by Sarah Beth Durst


After finishing this book, I can honestly say that my feelings about it are basically the same as when I did my currently-reading review in July. I give this book a 5/5 for the female friendship, but aside from that, it felt kind of “meh” the entire time. I really loved how supportive all the girls were of each other, and they were so accepting and just a great example of sisterhood. Also, yay for having a female mechanic as one of the major side characters. I think Sarah also did a great job with the anxiety and chronic pain rep throughout the story. Regarding the horror aspect of the story, I wasn’t ever really scared at all. It was a tiiiiny bit spooky, but I didn’t feel any urgency to keep reading and see the plot resolved. The plot twist with the island man was interesting, but I feel like it could’ve been scarier or had higher stakes. It felt more like the story focused on the characters and building their relationships rather than the horror/thriller parts. I would recommend this story for the friendship aspect, but I wouldn’t recommend it if you’re looking for a spooky read.



The Midnight Bargain by C.L. Polk


OK, THIS BOOK. I need to buy this because I want to give this book to every person I know. This book will probably be my personality for the next little bit, because it was just SO GOOD. Ooh gosh, this book had me feeling so emotional. I kept swinging between romantic feelings for Ianthe and Beatrice, and then absolute feminine rage for the rest of the men in the book. This book has so many great discussions about women’s roles in society, how they’re controlled by the government and men, family planning, choosing to be child-free, and having to choose between passions and family life. I thought all the characters were spectacularly written, because I had strong feelings for literally everybody. Nadi is absolutely adorable and I was so happy with how things ended up for her. Beatrice’s friendship with Ysbeta was so heartwarming to read about. I was nervous at the beginning of the story because I thought they would have a mean-girl relationship, but I was so happy they didn’t, The world-building was so elaborate as well. I just really think more people should check this book out. It’s spectacular.


Let me know in the comments what great books you read in August.

Happy reading 😁

September 2023 Wrap-Up

September 2023 Wrap-Up

The Haunting of High River Part 2

The Haunting of High River Part 2